Practical information

School hours

  • The school office is open from 8am to 3pm on weekdays.



  • Hólabrekkuskóli emphasizes healthy snacks to provide students with energy and endurance. Healthy snacks include fruits, vegetables or bread with nutritious toppings. Water is the only drink students may bring to school. Water is the best thirst-quencher, calorie-free and doesn't harm teeth. We ask parents to ensure their children's snacks are nut-free. Remember that nuts are in many foods, including peanut butter, nut yogurt, some bakery breads, and satay sauce. Direct questions and suggestions to the school nurse.

Physical education and swimming

  • The gymnasium and swimming pool are located at Austurberg. The youngest students are escorted to and from swimming and sports. During the 2024-2025 school year, grades 7-10 will have physical education at Korpuskóli gymnasium.

Phone use

Phone rules

  • Students are not allowed to use phones during school hours, from 8am to 4pm.

Absence notifications

Find the student leave request form here.

Lost and found

  • Students forget items at school daily, such as keys, hats and gloves. Parents should clearly label all clothing. School aides sort and store lost clothing, while the school office keeps keys, phones and jewelry. At the start of each school year, unclaimed items go to the Red Cross.